Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Bike Ride to Saint Ives

After the great success of our last year's ride to Ely we are creating a new tradition of CUPORTSS' bike rides.

Inspired by the visit of the best Portuguese cyclists during the Tour de France Stage 3, we are now going to Saint Ives using the traffic free busway.

Saint Ives is a historic market town whose name is related to the body of a Persian Bishop called Saint Ivo who was found buried in the town in about 1001/2.

 It is 12 miles North East of Cambridge in a flat landscape so it is a ride suitable to everyone. We are planning a picnic there and a ride back to Cambridge in the afternoon.

This is not a race! Our peloton will be always compact and we will choose a speed that fits everyone. And there are no hills in the fens, so don't be afraid: You can do it! The tour is completely free!

You will need:

- A bike (always needed for bike tours)
- Food to share (for the picnic, but you can also buy something at Saint Ives)
- Helmet (not mandatory)
- Spare tube (you may get a puncture)
- Happiness (If you don't bring you will certainly get it in the end)


All riders in the Bike Ride to Ely do so entirely at their own risk. CUPORTSS and its agents cannot accept any responsibility for personal accident, loss, or damage to cycles, equipment and personal effects or any public liability. All riders are deemed to have accepted these conditions by entering the event.

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