Friday, 22 November 2013

Christmas DInner

The most wonderful time of the year is arriving! In Portugal, this is a magical time for reflection, joy, and gathering of family and friends. It is also the time of the year when mouthwatering meat and cod delicacies and delicious desserts are eaten.

If you would like to get a taste of the Portuguese Christmas traditions, come and join us in our very popular Christmas dinner on the 8th of December at the Centre at St Paul’s (Hills Road), from 7.30 pm, with authentic home-made Portuguese food.

Tickets will be pre-booked and will be sold on a first-come first-served basis so hurry up because this event is always sold out! Only 50 places will be available!

To get a ticket to the dinner you need to buy it online by following this link:

We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you the most Portuguese Christmas of Cambridge.

What: Christmas Dinner 2013
When: 8th of December, 7.30pm
Where: Lower Hall, of the Centre at St Paul's, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1JP
Price: £12,00 for Members, £16,00 for Non-Members

Event partner:

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Magusto - Chestnut Celebration

You are all welcome to join us for our traditional ‘Magusto’ (or Chestnut Celebration), next Sunday (17th) at 7pm in the Centre at St Paul's (Hills Road)!

The celebration of roasted chestnuts is associated with a legend, which says that a Roman soldier, later known as Martin of Tours, once rode his horse by an almost naked beggar on a rainy day, and having nothing to give, he cut his cloak in half with his sword and gave it to him. Legend has it that at that exact moment it stopped raining, which is why, according to the legend, it is always sunny on St Martin's day - this is often referred to as "St Martin's summer".

As usual we will have the amazing Portuguese roasted chestnuts, but also some other traditional Portuguese snacks and drinks! Entertainment will be guaranteed by popular music and traditional games!

We are looking forward to see you all there!

What: Magusto 2013

When: 17th of November, 7.00pm

Where: Lower Hall, of the Centre at St Paul's, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1JP

Price: £3,00 for Members, £5,00 for Guests

World Food Festival 2013

We will be present in this year's iCUSO World Food Festival!
So come along on Saturday 23 to taste some good food from Portugal and all over the world!

Don't forget to buy your tickets in advance so you don't have to queue (more info below).

Hope to see you all there!

Date: 23rd November 2013 (Saturday)

Venue: St Andrew's Street Baptist Church 

Join us for an amazing food night!