Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Christmas Dinner

The most wonderful time of the year is arriving! In Portugal, this is a time for reflection, joy, and gathering your family and friends. It is also the time of the year for mouthwatering meat and cod delicacies and delicious deserts. If you would like to get a taste of the Portuguese Christmas traditions, book a ticket and come and join us in our very popular Christmas dinner, and let us serve you authentic home-made Portuguese food. 

Places are limited, so if you don’t want to miss out, be quick and buy your ticket! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cuportss-christmas-dinner-2015-tickets-19781892172

When: Saturday, 12th of December 7.00 pm
Where: Lower Hall, The Centre at St Paul's, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1JP (http://www.centrestpauls.org.uk/)
Price: £14,00 for Members, £18,00 for Non-Members 

Don’t forget to book! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cuportss-christmas-dinner-2015-tickets-19781892172

Friday, 27 November 2015

Tiago Brandão Rodrigues is Portugal's new Chief Minister of Education

CUPortSS congratulates its member Tiago Brandão Rodrigues after his nomination to be the new Chief Minister of Education in Portugal. Tiago was a member of the committee in 2011 and 2012 and contributed for the success of this society during those years.

It is now with a great honour that we have our member in the most important role in Portugal's education sector. We wish him the very best of luck and we are sure Tiago will do an excellent work!

Força Tiago!

A CUPortSS quer congratular Tiago Brandão Rodrigues após a sua nomeação como novo Ministro da Educação em Portugal. O Tiago foi membro do Comité em 2011 e 2012 e contribuiu para o sucesso da sociedade durante esses anos.

Sentimo-nos honrados por um dos nossos membros assumir o papel mais importante no sector da Educação em Portugal. Desejamos toda a sorte do mundo e estamos certos que o Tiago fará um excelente trabalho.

Força Tiago!

Monday, 16 November 2015

Magusto - Chestnut Event

There are quite a few chestnut trees in town.
Some of you may have noticed them on Jesus Green, and the chestnuts that they leave behind.
Maybe some of you have considered taking some chestnuts home, but then again, these chestnuts are probably best thought of as being property of squirrels and other local wild-life, which need every help they can get in their search for food, shelter, and post-doc positions.

If anyone was adventurous enough to roast a few of these chestnuts, then I'm very, very sorry. And as you probably know by now, the chestnuts found on the ground around Cambridge are in fact mildly poisonous. As those high beautiful trees are no simple chestnut trees, but rater horse‑chestnut trees, chosen more for their looks than for what they produce.

Speaking of chestnuts, the annual CUPortSS Magusto will be next Saturday, 21st of November at 6:30, St Paul's Church.
We have some tasty, non-poisonous chestnuts brought in directly from Portugal.
We also have red wine, as well as wine of other colours.
Last but not least, we're also having some delicious Francesinhas, a characteristic Portuguese dish.

The prices are as follows:
Entry - Members £4
Entry - Non-Members £6
Half Francesinha £5

The entry ticket includes chestnuts and wine.
The Half Francesinha is an extra, but it is not everyday that one manages to get a good Francesinha in town.

November 21st
Centre at Saint Paul's

Friday, 23 October 2015

Portugueses em Cambridge

(Sorry for the Portuguese post)

Acabámos de criar o site http://www.portuguesesemcambridge.org.uk/ . Um site que pretendemos manter atualizado com todas as informações que precisas se pretendes mudar-te para Cambridge.

Nesta página pretende-se dar a conhecer tudo o que um novo habitante precisa para se adaptar à cidade, abrangendo assuntos que vão desde a explicação do sistema fiscal britânico até à descrição dos melhores locais para jogar futebol.

Desta forma podemos mostrar a todos os portugueses que vão chegando a esta cidade como tirar o maior proveito da estadia, seja ela temporária ou permanente. Existem informações sobre a História de Cambridge, a melhor forma de encontrar alojamento, como lidar com questões laborais, como tratar da burocracia, os transportes da cidade, onde fazer compras, opções para o tempo livre e os locais certos para praticar desporto. Tudo isto de uma forma descontraida e com algum humor.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Fresher's Squash

The CUPortSS Squash is a great opportunity to to get your hands on some excellent Portuguese food and drink and meet Cambridge’s Portuguese speakers and enthusiasts.

 If you’ve never been to one of our events before, come and get to know us and what we do, or if you’re an old hand, it’ll be great to see you again.

 Feel free to invite any Portuguese speakers/enthusiasts you know, meet, or find in the street - the more the merrier

Free Event. 21st of October, 7.30pm. Centre at Saint Paul's

Friday, 3 July 2015

Santos Populares Barbecue

Come and join us for the awesome Santos barbecue, with the traditional (and delicious) sardinhas, as well as all sorts of other wonderful barbecue fair.

June is the month where the cities in Portugal light up to celebrate their Saints. Saint António is celebrated on the 13th, Saint João on the 24th and Saint Pedro on the 29th. 
In Cambridge we will celebrate them all together in what promises to be a fantastic day! 

Save the 4th of July to join us for the "Santos BBQ". 
There will be plenty of delicious grilled sardines on broa bread, hamburgers, sangria, lively music, Portuguese (Chinese) lamps and loads of fun!

Bring your friends and family and meet us at the southwest corner of Jesus Green from 3pm (look out for the Portuguese flag!)

See you there! Apareçam!

When: Saturday, 4th July
What time: 3 pm
Where: Jesus Green
Prices: £6 (CUPortSS members), £8 (non-members) - food and drink included!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Bike Ride to Ely

Portugal has a great tradition of tourism tours for old people. The tours to the almond blossom are the most famous.

Unfortunately we do not have almond trees in Cambridgeshire so we cannot create a tour like that. But we have lots of beautiful landscapes where we can cycle.

Bring your bike and let's celebrate the summer solstice, the Cambridgeshire Countryside, and the Rui Costa stage win in Criterium du Dauphiné

We will start Sunday, the 21st at 9.30am, in front of Guildhall and we will cycle towards Ely. 

We will visit Wicken Fen, we will have a picnic in the Fens and then we will visit Ely with its famous Cathedral (Where scenes of the 'King's Speech' movie were filmed) and Oliver Cromwell's House. Then, you can come back to Cambridge by train or cycle again!

This is not a race! Our peloton will be always compact and we will choose a speed that fits everyone. And there are no hills in the fens, so don't be afraid: You can do it!

The tour is completely free but you must pay the ticke0st to the Wicken Fen and to return to Cambridge

You will need:
- A bike (always needed for bike tours)
- Food to share (for the picnic, but you may buy something at Wicken Fen)
- Helmet (not mandatory)
- Spare tube (You may have a puncture, some small sections are in gravel)
- Happiness (If you don't bring you will certainly get it in the end)

All riders in the Bike Ride to Ely do so entirely at their own risk.
CUPORTSS and its agents cannot accept any responsibility for personal accident, loss, or damage to cycles, equipment and personal effects or any public liability.
All riders are deemed to have accepted these conditions by entering the event.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

A Tribute to Patrícia Santos

Foi com enorme tristeza que durante o nosso último evento, o 25 de Abril, soubemos do desaparecimento de Patrícia Santos, membro do comité da CUPortSS em 2013 e 2014.
A Patrícia foi uma trabalhadora incansável e uma pessoa fundamental para o sucesso dos eventos da sociedade nos últimos anos. Esteve sempre pronta a dar uma mão em tudo o que era necessário e a qualidade dos pratos que confecionava era sempre elogiada por quem os provava.
Mas mais importante que tudo isso, a Patrícia era uma amiga enorme. E o choque desta notícia deixou a comunidade portuguesa em Cambridge arrasada. Ainda não conseguimos aceitar esta realidade.
Embora tudo esteja mais pobre sem a sua presença, a sua memória ficará sempre connosco e será a pensar nela que daremos sempre o melhor ao serviço da CUportSS. Ela era e será sempre um exemplo a seguir.
Obrigado Patrícia!
Em sua memória será celebrada uma missa na Our Lady and the English Martyrs Church (Igreja Católica na Hills Road), amanhã, dia 30 de abril pelas 18:15.

It was with great sadness that at our last event, o 25 de Abril, we learned that Patrícia Santos, a member of the CUPortSS committees of 2013 and 2014, had passed away.
Patrícia worked tirelessly for CUPortSS, a dedicated member whose contributions were fundamental to the success of the society's events over the past few years. She was always ready to help with anything that needed to be done, and a really excellent cook, whose carefully prepared dishes were loved by whoever tried them.
But most of all, Patrícia was a great friend. And the news of her departure leaves Cambridge's Portuguese Community with a deep sense of sorrow, and a new state of affairs that is hard to come to terms with.
The world is less without her here, but her memory will always be with us.
And although gone, she will continue to be a role model for those who knew her, just as she was in life.
Obrigado, Patrícia!
A Mass will be celebrated in her memory at Our Lady and the English Martyrs Church, Hills Road, tomorrow 30th April at 6.15pm

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Caros membros,
O próximo evento da sociedade será a comemoração do 25 de Abril.
Será um evento social com uma vertente cultural. Prometemos uma tarde diferente em que pretendemos apresentar um lado pouco discutido da revolução. Vamos inclusivamente ter convidados para falar do papel da mulher no 25 de Abril.
Como não poderia deixar de ser, teremos boa comida e bebidas portuguesas.
A língua oficial do evento será o Inglês por isso passem a palavra aos vossos amigos que pretendam conhecer um pouco mais da cultura lusitana.
Esperamos ver todos lá a celebrar este dia tão importante para a nossa identidade.

Dear members,
Our next society event will commemorate the Portuguese revolution.
It'll be a social event with a cultural slant.
We promise an afternoon that's a little bit different, where we will present new perspectives on this carnation revolution.
Invited speakers will discuss women's role on the 25th April.
As a good Portuguese party, we will also of course provide good food and nice wine.
English will be the official language of the event so feel free to invite friends keen to learn more about our culture.
We hope to see you there, to take a new look at this important day.

St Pauls Church
25 de Abril 15:00

Entrada livre.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Carnival 2015

One of our biggest events of the year is on its way! The CuPortSS Carnival Party will be held on the 21st February from 7pm at the Cambridge University Social Club. Resident DJs and live samba will guarantee an awesome evening! There’ll also be a photo booth to capture the moment, and a costume competition, so pull out all the stops on your outfit!

Places are limited, so if you want to guarantee entry (and save some cash), we recommend getting a ticket in advance

When? Saturday 21st of February
Where? University Social Club, Mill Lane.
Tickets: Eventbrite